HTML Basics Worksheet

Answer the following questions by adding your answer to the DIV element below each question.

Question 1

What is the significance of the html element in an html document?

The html element is the root of an HTML document, including all other elements creating structure. It helps browsers interpret the content.
Question 2

What is the purpose of the head element in an html document?

The head element holds info about the HTML document, like the title which help the browser understand and load the page correctly.
Question 3

What is the purpose of the title element in an html document?

Defines the title of the HTML document, which appears in the browser tab.
Question 4

What is the purpose of the body element in an html document?

Contains all the visible content of the HTML document like text, images, links, and interactive elements.
Question 5

What is the difference between an inline element and a block element?

Block elements go across the entire web page while inline elements only take up as much space as needed.
Question 6

What is a self-closing tag?

Its a HTML element that has no closing tag because there is no content needed.
Question 7

Explain the syntax for adding an attribute to an HTML element?

Attributes are added in the opening tag of HTML elements.
Question 8

Add an H3 element that contains the content 'Hello World!'. Then add a class attribute to the H3 element and set the value of the attribute to "glow".

Hello World!